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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

ahhh do you guys feel the lag when you blog?? whoa transformers is cool! i like bumblebee followed by optimus prime, whoa! john seow is wrong!!!!!!! it is not those ppl childhood who will watch it is those without chlidhood who misses this enjoyment, me for one. i'm gonna try and look for the series.

mmm i watched ocean13 too. It is pretty fast paced but i roughly got the story XDD i feel its an achievement!! woot! lolx haha! Py, harry and myself cldn't really get some parts but sean oh my gdness, he is super engrossed in e movie, he didn't even get his eyes off the screen, Zzzz.

I wanna watch die hard 4! XD i can't wait for harry potter too! ahh! mm update later!
Btw thanks guys for erm... your lovely tags.. and *AHEM SPAMS too. LOL.a motivation to update

~ { 8:48 pm }
aiming for the sky above;

Saturday, June 30, 2007

hihi! yeahh i'm sooo sryyy for the long overdued post. LOL had a chat wif sab and she was asking me heyyy joyce your maid hasn't returned back issit? ur story lke not complete leh. Then i realised ohhh yeahhh i didn't update my poor confused readers about wad happened. Well she did return! apparently she has forgotten my dad's instructions (which is to call back home when she touch down.) Ah well doesn't really matter, as long as she's back.

~ { 9:04 pm }
aiming for the sky above;

Monday, June 11, 2007

geee today my maid's suppose to return but her flight has already alight, the person has gone missing. Now This IS very worrying... >< her flight landed at about 7 plus, she hasn't given us a single call. i sure hope she hasn't absconded. I got so much to tell her!!.. Zzz!

Today during attachment, this lady told me that i shld be in the film and media side. I agree too! but how? ... ..mm.. i think i still prefer nursing. or do i?.. *shrugs. Anyhow i pressume i'm gonna be pretty occupied (during attachment.)

ahhh... i muz start playing my final fantasy games.
My hand is so itchy, i wanna call n chat on the phone again. my mouth is really.....i'm gonna control that big wide black hole, sucking in loads of food and sputtering nonsense.

I can't think of anything much to say. i'm still half aslp..

~ { 8:37 pm }
aiming for the sky above;

Friday, June 08, 2007

ahhhhh!!!! i hate it. i'm becoming like a pig....
I wanted to jog today or run wadever it is.. but.. once i got home, i went to bed straight, i was so lazy, my niece and nephew dragged me to their bed n i fell asleep dere. Zzzz..

My bro is going indo on business trip, wish you all e best! (kor's not gonna see this cos he doesn't noe my blog but anyway..) I think if i can, i'd wanna send him off.. tt's if my stupid attachment time doesn't crash wif his timing. (sryy shar tt's why i cldn't go out wif you guys, its been a long time since i've last seen my bro, he's been super busy lately so today my parents and i met him up)

Ahhh and i'm gonna help my sister to do farming tml.. My sister is working so hard, i'm gonna help her as much as i can boy. Jie gamabatte! jia you! hwaiting!

Oli jus came back from canada. Maria's gg to aussie. I'm thinking of whether i shld go to NZ, to see michelle. WAHH!!! O_O my friends all in different parts of the world.

Great singapore sale, every lady's dream. But thinking very very very very hard. I shld keep my cash, looking at my dad.. i would wanna be like him, having priority banking here and dere, managing very well even though he retired at a young age (51 yrs old). So... i gotta save save save and invest invest invest hahaha! =DD Well.. i've been saving alot alot when i was younger but from sec 4 till now i've been very generous at spending, now its not gonna be e same ho ho ho..

So i'll jus get new shoes. hehx.. (but now a days it looks sucky, those pointy shoes.. blech..)

Alright i'll get back to you ppl, i'm gonna makan! CIAOS!

I feel like a mariam cum mother cum sister to my niece and nephew.

Cooking, washing plates, throwing rubbish, telling my dearest niece n nephew to brush their teeth, wash their face, bathe, limit them cos they watch too much tv, asking them to study. Rushing them to do stuffs. oh gdness.

That's when mummy's busy. thankfully. *phew.. haha! Tml i'm still trying to find a time to make my korean cuisine Zzz..

~ { 7:31 pm }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Here I am, & I changed your blogskin, so I hope you'll like it yes? I miss you shoooooooo much yknw! When am I ever gna see you again): I thought we could meet up tmrw! Hopefully we'll be able to meet up this month? Cause I'm not gna have th time when school reopens): I bet work must be stressful fer you! I wish you were still in choir, I miss all th silly things we used t do tgt w em:D Heehee, I bet you remember right!

& remember, one year ago we went to watch The Omen! You remember, you remember! Ohmy, such good times, you can never forget yeah?:D

I bet you'll see this soon enough, take care dear(:

Now & Forever, your Mei.

~ { 10:39 pm }
aiming for the sky above;

O_O not in e mood for blogging.. lolx pls tune it again another time lolx

~ { 8:32 pm }
aiming for the sky above;

Monday, June 04, 2007

Sudden crave for...

- Sleep (actually it always has been a crave)
- I hvn't played finish my final fantasy game.. tt's wad i jus realised. Zzz
- I want to watch a couple of movies..
- I want to Shop. (it is decreasing but the need to get new shoes is dere!)

I really want 72 hours a day! 12hrs for gg out and doing everything i want to, 12 hrs to play games. 3 hours for the extravagant, and the rest are for slping. Ahhh.. how blissful.. (*knocks my head.. * wad am i thinking.. STOP DREAMING.)

I'll post again on wednesday. hehh (tt's if i'm nt gg out)

~ { 8:39 pm }
aiming for the sky above;

Sunday, June 03, 2007

ahaha i realised alot of stupid things happen ard me! haha! During Halogen Leadership talk, we were there as helper. There's this guy Max (no i'm not referring to my brother), he's super funny. He is a very gd entertainer. There was bob and max always tease bob. Then he called bob, bobby. bob hates that. Anyway i randomly asked (rhethorically), "can you imagine wad his girlfriend will call him? she'll go like bobby baby..."

Max laughed hysterically and said, "say my name, *kok* (a sound made using the tongue), bobby baby" he said it in the russell peters voice. so cute la! aiyoh haha! We all laugh endlessly. Then bob walked pass, max whispered *kok* bobby baby. Well bob heard it and ran after max. haha!

OH and max is so naughty, he's got this spoon which bends whilst he was trying to eat the almond jelly (our desert). Then everyone looked at his bended spoon and laugh. He suddenly called out to bob and said hey bob, as a friend i'll give you this bowl of desert. As bob lifted the almond jelly with the spoon, everyone stared at him. Unfortunately for max, the spoon didn't bend. Whoa you shld hv seen his face man. It looked somewhat like... a clown. lolx

Ahhh btw if you're wondering why i suddenly mentioned it, its becos i was looking at my cca points haha!

~ { 1:04 am }
aiming for the sky above;